Sunday 16 January 2011

Sublime Smoothie

Started my Sunday with the most satiatingly-sublime green smoothie brunch: organic pointed sweet cabbage,

3 small local(Kent) apples, juice of 2 lemons(lemon and lime juice are soo incredibly-versatile and adds a real depth of flavor to any juice, smoothie or meal:) and a small, but perfectly-ripe avocado; ah what bliss in a glass. It was DELICIOUS! Go on try it for yourself(you know you want to:0), I dare you?! The perrrfectly-balanced, Sunday brunch meal in a glass for a healthy brain /mind, body and soul, Namaste


kelli said...

sounds simply yummy! i started my sunday with some kombucha.=)

Cosmic said...

Thanks Kellie, that Kombucha sounds good too!


Leia said...

Sounds delicious! I would try it but we don't get avocado here.


Cosmic said...

Thanks Leia!
