Sunday 22 February 2009

Be The Change You Want To see In the World........

Probably, my favourite quote ever by the great man himself. I can't not really fathom men passing judgement on fellow men without taking a look within and besides there's only one judge(The Creator:). For this reason alone I wish Jade and Jack every happiness in the world(I'm praying you will survive this cruel diesease to see your sons into adulthood) today and everyday.

Friday 20 February 2009

One World One People For Peace

As I approach a another milestone birthday I've been in a some what reflective mood. It got me thinking am I the only individual that truly cares about the conservation and preservation of the natural wonders(resources etc.)of the world? I'm some what despondent with irresponsible human behaviour(I though we were an intelligent species) polluting our beautiful planet left, right and centre(It's hardly setting an example for future generations now is it?).I personally would like future generations(we all have sons, daughters, nephews and nieces etc.what kind of legacy are we leaving?)to experience the beauty of the natural world hence I have no intention of falling into that trap of complacency, apathy and malaise. Time for action and be the change we want to see in the world.With an ever increasing dependency on non-essential air-travel,fossil fuels and mass produced material goods I am deeply concerned(finally It's making headlines but at a huge cost).Time to take responsibility for our actions perhaps?If you feel the same way let's get together and heal the world soon!

Thursday 19 February 2009

Strangers are friends you've yet to meet....

.... So I keep telling myself!

Wasted memories / opportunities, so little time and still no camera.

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Just for today(3 Blessings to be grateful for:)

*TREES are for life not just for Christmas!

*H2O are overall makeup


How blessed am I ?!!!

Consumed by greed

Our Natural World is changing at an alarming speed and a huge cost to us all. The Global landscape is frying, Indigenous primeval Traditional cultural beliefs are on the verge of being wiped out; all for our insatiable appetite for hamburgers and steaks. Acres and acres of natural beauty ie forests are unnaturally and unnecessarily being destroyed for soy bean production(animal fodder). Given that the burning of the Rainforest is wholly responsible for one fifth of all carbon emissions(more than planes and automobiles combined) it doesn't take much to work out this is a disaster on a global scale(Rainforest's absorb retain heat-trapping CO2 whilst giving us valuable O2). Not to mention flora and fauna and precious Ecosystems completely destroyed. More soy production simply means more toxic chemicals in the river and an increased pressure on the forests. For local people the river is a valuable primeval resource for food, traditional beliefs and soul-searching. These sensitive people live totally in harmony with Mother Earth / nature, consciously conserving resources without polluting it. What are we doing? Is this a legacy we want to leave?

Thursday 12 February 2009

Did you know?

It takes over 2,000 litres of water to produce a single t-shirt (and whole lot more besides). Cultivating conventional cotton is a dirty business that pollutes, poisons and keeps people in poverty and is far from sustainable. Thankfully, there are sustainable crop alternatives such as bamboo(antibacterial, soft and ultra sustainable), organic cotton and hemp.

Share and share alike...

I have a new found respect for the actress, Selma Halek lately. If you are a lactating mother and have an ample and plentiful supply of nature's bounty then why not help your fellow human beings by wet nursing their precious and vulnerable offspring(after all the young child's needs come first). This is a beautiful selfless act that any lactating mom to do in such circumstances and should be encouraged and supported not condemn. I feel there should be more 'Selma Haleks' in the world and for this reason alone she is my hero(and anyone else who is wet nursing:) of the week.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Happy Birthday Jennifer Aniston!

Happy Birthday, Spring Chicken:)

Lots of love, hugs and blessings to you!


One World One People........

As a consumer we have enormous spending power to change the dynamics of business markets and the Global Economy for good. We can have a fair and just World if we really want to. We can start by consuming less, recycling , being resourceful and supporting good business practices. These include: growing your own fresh produce
purchasing locally-sourced / organic produce
cycling /walking / public transport
adopting a healthier lifestyle ie vegetarianism
making own clothes / supporting charity shops / swap parties / recycling
supporting Co-operatives( ie Suma, Essentials) and good businesses( ie Peopletree)
responsible travel ie volunteering, leaving only footprints
cultivating a sense purpose / gratitude and peace( ie meditation)

Together we can save the World!

Global Gratitude Meditation Each Sunday Nicolya Christi from the UK inspired by the true leadership of Barack Obama has begun a beautiful global initiative.“Barack Obama is a special being, as are we all.Let us honor him and ourselves by thinking positive, beautiful thoughts.Let us remind ourselves that he is a part of the momentous and exciting changes that are gracing our world.Let us remember that the world is transforming, evolving and healing,as are we on a personal and collective level.Let us focus on the well-being within ourselves,the well-being of Obama and all being well in our world,as it is and is becoming.”Nicolya Christi
“I’m asking you to believe,not just in my ability to bring about real change…I’m asking you to believe in yours.”
Barack Obama

A big thank-you to the guys at yoga tribe and culture(I love my new kia yoga practice tank top:),Ascension( I love my new sun and wind energy sweatshirt, soo incredible soft and snuggly:), Kuyichi(I love my new organic jeans:) and of course to all at adili for sourcing them all!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

I love Aussies:)

Special thoughts, prayers and unlimited blessings to our Aussie siblings in S. Australia, Victoria and NSW. Despite this setback the Australian nation has shown an amazing resilience, courage and determination to rebuild their shattered lives. I salute you!


Monday 9 February 2009

Focusing on the bigger picture today and everyday....

I was saddened to hear of the veteran serial drama actor, Bill Roach's deep loss yesterday. His lovely wife Sara passed away unexpectedly having tea with her husband. Having grew up watching this gentleman's craft(aka Ken Barlow:) in the Seventies / Eighties one instinctively and intuitively feels he is an exceptional human being who just so happens to be on telly(as does his wife Sara who appears to be a kind and elegant lady)!

I think this sad news has taught me the fragility of life, thus to make the most of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of everyday(Life is for living, hint, hint;).

Life is too short to bear a grudge.

My thoughts, love, prayers and blessings go out to the family at this challenging time.

Monday 2 February 2009

Life's lessons; Treating Yourself as a child;)

It's soo typical of Blighty, as soon as we get a bit of snow the whole of the UK's infrastructure shuts down! I'm hardly complaining mind I'm lovin' it;) I'm also lovin' good businesses that genuinely puts people and the Earth top priority prior to any profits. PeopleTree does just that and really puts the majority of businesses to shame. Good business should be mainstream( common practice and not a niche market as we know greed corrupts). Another good business I like is the Doy Bags, a Philippine's-based initiative where trash / rubbish(ie juice packets, sweet wrappers etc.) is weaved into bags and purses. I'm coveting the multicoloured bag with the bamboo handle! Please give your support by voting now in the The Observer Ethical Awards 2009(held in June)!

Blessings to all;)