Tuesday 17 February 2009

Consumed by greed

Our Natural World is changing at an alarming speed and a huge cost to us all. The Global landscape is frying, Indigenous primeval Traditional cultural beliefs are on the verge of being wiped out; all for our insatiable appetite for hamburgers and steaks. Acres and acres of natural beauty ie forests are unnaturally and unnecessarily being destroyed for soy bean production(animal fodder). Given that the burning of the Rainforest is wholly responsible for one fifth of all carbon emissions(more than planes and automobiles combined) it doesn't take much to work out this is a disaster on a global scale(Rainforest's absorb retain heat-trapping CO2 whilst giving us valuable O2). Not to mention flora and fauna and precious Ecosystems completely destroyed. More soy production simply means more toxic chemicals in the river and an increased pressure on the forests. For local people the river is a valuable primeval resource for food, traditional beliefs and soul-searching. These sensitive people live totally in harmony with Mother Earth / nature, consciously conserving resources without polluting it. What are we doing? Is this a legacy we want to leave?

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