Friday 20 February 2009

One World One People For Peace

As I approach a another milestone birthday I've been in a some what reflective mood. It got me thinking am I the only individual that truly cares about the conservation and preservation of the natural wonders(resources etc.)of the world? I'm some what despondent with irresponsible human behaviour(I though we were an intelligent species) polluting our beautiful planet left, right and centre(It's hardly setting an example for future generations now is it?).I personally would like future generations(we all have sons, daughters, nephews and nieces etc.what kind of legacy are we leaving?)to experience the beauty of the natural world hence I have no intention of falling into that trap of complacency, apathy and malaise. Time for action and be the change we want to see in the world.With an ever increasing dependency on non-essential air-travel,fossil fuels and mass produced material goods I am deeply concerned(finally It's making headlines but at a huge cost).Time to take responsibility for our actions perhaps?If you feel the same way let's get together and heal the world soon!


M said...

I agree with you, but do believe that if we want to change things we need to start by ourselves. Simple things we do can make such a big difference. Very nice blog!

Cosmic said...

Thank-you Marie! I couldn't agree more:)