Tuesday 11 May 2010

Wow, Wow, Wow,!!!

I only just created a delish soft-scoop ice-cream with a little help with one's trusty FP(Made from frozen bananas, spinach and maca root:) when I discovered I've won John McCabe's latest published transcript, 'Ignite your Life'. Life is challenging at the best of times and to think the book title spoke volumes one just had to enter funky Raw / Rob's competition(By simply writing a review of a product you've bought via the website:) I couldn't ignore this opportunity. Next thing I knew one gets an email from Rob confirming I've won. I can't believe I've manifested this gold nugget gem of a book, synchonicity at work no doubt. I can't wait 'til i get my paws on this.

Thank-you Rob:)


Leah said...

Congrats on the win... I want to read that book too.

I'm so intrigued by your ice cream... bananas yes but spinach? This is interesting! xoxo

Cosmic said...

Thanks Leah(You can via US site amazon.com)We, humans are drawn to books arnt we?!

Frozen bananas make the best ice-cream in a FP, adding your own creative flair as you go; go try it(Your kids will love you for it:)!
