Wednesday 23 September 2009

Being the change you wish to see in the World(Making a difference:)

The Great Persuasion mass lobby, 16-18 October

With autumn approaching the school bell will be ringing in Westminster, calling MPs back to the cut and thrust of political life - so let’s get together and say what we want from them this term.

On the weekend of the 16-18 October, Oxfam is teaming up with loads of other development and climate organisations to take part in ‘The Great Persuasion’. This is a mass lobby event that will see hundreds of MPs and election candidates visited by their constituents to talk about poverty and climate change.

We know that the thought of visiting a member of parliament to discuss these important issues may seem a little daunting, but we can assure you that a bit of enthusiasm is all you need. (And you can take lots of friends too!)

This mass lobby is being made all the more exciting, as it’s part of the annual worldwide event, ‘Stand Up and Take Action’ that coincides with International Poverty Day on the 17th October. Last year over 100 million people were involved and this year will be no different.

To be one of those 100 million all you need to do is:

Contact your MP and at least one parliamentary candidate in your constituency, either by visiting them, writing to them, telephoning them, emailing them, or inviting them to a meeting on 16-18 October.
Let them know how important it is to get a fair and safe deal on climate change
Give them a copy of the International Development manifesto, and get them to send a copy to their Party’s manifesto team.
All the details and information you need are in the Great Persuasion toolkit

You may find that other activists from different organisations are also planning to meet their MP. If you hear about this then do join forces with them to present a united front. It would be great if you could also let Oxfam London and SE know what you are planning - email Good luck!

Source: Oxfam UK

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