Monday 18 May 2009

Truly Wonderful Crops Part Two........................

Organic Cotton

Buy organic cotton and change the world

Conventional cotton takes up to 2.5% of the earth's resources and consumes nearly 11%of the pesticides used globally. Every year tens of thousands of cotton farmers and their families suffer serious damage to their health after contact with these toxic chemicals in the air they breathe, the water they drink, and the soil where they grow their food and graze their livestock.

There is another way

Organic agriculture promotes long-term environmental protection. Through mixed cropping, using natural pesticides like neem and fertilizing their fields with organic matter, they can achieve long-term sustainability. What is more, farmers are paid a 30% premium for organic cotton. Organic cotton farming allows farmers to escape from a cycle of debt which has driven many thousands in India to suicide every year.

It is east to be part of a solution -

Support the organic cotton clothing revolution, a movement that is growing by 30% each year!


'Be the change you want to see in the world'

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