Friday 8 April 2011

sad day for humanity

I'm absolutely livid and incensed that three teens from South Wales have been given to a mere 16 weeks suspended sentence for subjecting a innocent and tame fox to a bloody and violent death. Begger's belief.


God's Little People said...

Cosmic, I'm so pleased I don't know this story because such things infuriates me beyond belief. HOW on earth is it justifiable? Worst - the most worst of all is that it teaches teens that cruelty has no consequence. Yes... you're absolutely right... what a sad day for humanity.

Cosmic said...

I feel it may have something to do with parental neglect(lack of love,undivided attention, affection, cuddles in infancy and childhood), you would think the judge would have some common sense? Personally, I've lost faith in the British Criminal System a along time a go(enough said there)