Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Time for a spot of Spring Cleaning!

'God grant me the courage to change the things I can change, serenity for the things I can't change and wisdom to know the difference'.

I shall start where I left off(all those days ago). Here goes!

Step one

I admit I have lost control of my addiction to cooked / processed food and my eating has become unmanageable(so says she who's favourite wardrobe garments is now tight and far from flattering; I've put on a stone since the health scare:( ). I've got to get back in my wardrobe and soon!

I've been procrastinating(ie not exercising:() for far too long.

Time for action me thinks!

Monday, 30 March 2009

Boo Boo to Bamboo Garments:(

Very, very little bamboo clothing would qualify as sustainable or organic clothes.
This is the view of Lotus Organics, who in their usual full and frank style have investigated the industry and presented their finding on their informative Organic Clothing Blog. It is always a great read for anyone with an interest in the greening of the rag trade. None more so than their current peek at bamboo.

Michael Lackman of Lotus concludes, “The growing of bamboo is environmentally friendly but the manufacturing of bamboo into fabric raises environmental and health concerns because of the strong chemical solvents used to cook the bamboo plant into a viscose solution that is then reconstructed into cellulose fiber for weaving into yarn for fabric.”

We also admire them for bravely pointing out that the ISO 140001 and Oeko-Tex standards, while useful in their spheres of influence (management and human health respectively) do not, on their own, indicate sustainable textile practices. ::Organic Clothing Blog via a tip from Michael.

Not the first time that eco-ness of bamboo has been under the microscope here. Lloyd was considering its appropriateness for flooring years ago.

Source: Treehugger.com(Warren McClaren, Sydney)

I for one will be sourcing my sartorial attire from charity shops and Oxfam with the occasional splurge on Hemp and Organic Cotton in future!

Friday, 27 March 2009

G20 People Power March!

Dear friends in the UK,
Global leaders are coming to London to discuss the economic crisis -- let's join a global citizens march on March 28th to make sure that they 'Put People First':
Come to the march!

This is an urgent call for everyone who can to come to the streets of central London on Saturday 28th March, and participate in a Citizens’ March challenging the G20 Summit to “Put People First”.

The world is in financial meltdown. World leaders are meeting in London less than three weeks from now to tackle this crisis, but unless our call for bold, green, and global action is heard, they could continue with business as usual. That’s why we'll be joining with many thousands of others in taking to the streets. This Citizens’ March can't happen without us -- so can you make it?

We’ve just ordered 3000 green hard hats (see picture opposite) -- symbolising the Avaaz call for green jobs, sustainable recovery and a global new deal that fixes the economy. Together, we’ll send a spectacular message. Sign up now to come to Central London on Saturday 28th and participate in the Citizens’ March – follow this link to reserve your green hard hat now:


When you sign up, please include your email and phone number to make sure to get all the information with details of where we need to be and when. To make this march massive, let's also forward this email on to friends, family, and colleagues.

With this citizens’ march, we’re teaming up with a rainbow of people all across the UK -- the unions, churches and mosques, the big environment and development charities, and people from all walks of life -- economists, students, housewives, lawyers, builders and pensioners. What we do at this crucial moment in the economic crisis will shape all our futures, and it’s only by coming together that we can start to fix things. It’s time to stand up -- and march.

We have done this before - last year 2000 of us from across the UK came together in London to deliver a handshake from the Dalai Lama to the Chinese government. People power on the streets of London will challenge the Summit leaders to be bold, and to fix the fundamental failings in the global economy. The global media will be in London to cover the G20, and our march will get big coverage -- we could inspire millions across the world.

We’ll be assembling on the Embankment at 11am, and marching to Hyde Park. Everyone who signs up will receive directions and detailed instructions about how to get to the march starting point (there will be coaches from most cities). To participate click this link and sign up now – with less than two weeks to go, all of us need to make plans!


Some of us will be in London anyway, others will want to travel and bring friends -- some of us will have other commitments. But for all who can join it'll be a great experience.

Let's march!,

Paul, Alice, Iain, Julia, Maria, Paula, Pascal, Ricken, Brett, Luis, Graziela, Ben, Veronique and the rest of the Avaaz team

PS - Last year 2000 of us took to the streets of London to deliver a handshake from the Dalai Lama to the Chinese Government. Check it out:



Why Organically-grown Cotton?

All About Organic Cotton What is organic cotton?
Organically grown cotton has been produced without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. A field must be pesticide free for three years for the cotton to be certified organic, therefore, it is safe for consumers, the farmers and workers who grow it, and the natural environment.
Why is organic cotton important?
Non-organically (conventionally) grown cotton can cause irreparable damage to the natural environment and to farm workers, and may contaminate drinking water. Organic farming methods actually help regenerate soil that has been damaged by overuse of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Do conventional (non-organic) cotton farmers really use many chemicals?
Unfortunately, yes. It takes 2/3 of a pound of pesticides to make one pair of jeans, and 1/3 of a pound to make a single T-shirt. Conventional cotton accounts for 10% of global pesticide use. The EPA says that conventional agriculture is responsible for 70% of all problems in U.S. rivers and streams.

Worth Remembering!

All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them!

All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them!

All our dreams can come true,
if we have the courage to pursue them!

Sunday, 22 March 2009

The Possibilities are endless............

For a light and refreshing dessert grind some soaked(overnight)almonds in a food processor with some frozen chunks of ripe banana and voila you have a guilt-free tasty bone-enhancing treat, yum!

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers everywhere!

It's a sad day for a mother and two young brothers who respectively lost their daughter and mother earlier today. This unpretentious(I've never met her but one instinctively felt that Jade has been completely true to herself:)and courageous young women has left a lasting legacy that her two sons can be proud of. How fitting that she died in her sleep on Mother's day(A good day to pass away we feel:)! There is a great deal of snobbery(notably writers of Tabloid newspapers)here in Blighty, Yes, this young woman didn't have the best start in life, but ultimately her heart was in the right place; when will we learn? I feel their should be more Jades in the world.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

15% all purchases at Adili until 30th April 2009

Did you know it takes 7TBS of TOXIC chemicals to produce a single Tee shirt? Many of the production workers die from the toxic overload infiltrating their systems. We can stop this by supply and demand, by purchasing Organic Cotton,(100% ORGANIC COTTON naturally:) and hemp clothing.

On a lighter note if you use the promo code HELLO(when you pay)by the 30th April 2009you get 15% of all purchases at adili.com.


Friday, 20 March 2009

The Virtuals and Versatility of Hemp.....................

Be part of the Hemp Revolution. The fabric of society.
Hemp has been used for thousands of years throughout civilisation for textiles, clothing fuel, furnishing, food and cosmetics. Hemp is an organically grown crop. While cotton has desirable qualities, cotton production is responsible for over 25% of the world's pesticide and herbicide consumption. Hemp is stronger than cotton. Hemp is Ultra Violet Protective. Scientific tests on hemp cloth has shown that up to 95% of ultra violet rays are repelled when the cloth is woven in a tight construction - while other cloths only achieve 30-90%. Hemp is great to wear. When compared to cotton, hemp is softer, warmer in winter, cooler in summer, more water absorbent, 3 times the tensile strength. Hemp clothing is made for comfort, durability and style, with the environment in mind.

Hemp taken orally contains all the required amino acids and essential fatty acids(Omega 3,6 and 9) for a healthy mind(Brain-enhancing DHA etc.) and body.

A truly sustainable crop indeed!

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day To ALL Those in the Emerald Isle and Beyond!

It's no coincidence that the Irish flag is so, so similar to the Indian flag, In all my living years I've never met a mean-spirited Paddy(Including those with an Irish background); anyone with an Emerald Isle gene (or two)are simply gorgeous, inside and out. Coincidences are God in disguise!

Monday, 16 March 2009


Referring back to the recipe time post I forget to mention that the humble Turmeric spice(part of the Ginger / Lily plant:) has powerful antiseptic and anti-carcinogenic properties and therefore great to take orally in recipes and natural skin-care)!

Ginger aids digestion and eases nausea too!

Like Tea tree oil Lavender is an antiseptic(and relaxant too:)

Make a face mask with some stiff egg whites.

Add coffee / cocoa pwd to your body cream for a natural tint!

Save Our Orangutans

I was watching in awe at these intelligent and beautiful creatures in their natural habitat recently and felt sad that their homes(The Malaysian Rainforest)is being destroyed for palm oil. Why?

Public Service Annoucement

If you love our furry friends as much as I do, take the time to check that your personal care items are animal-friendly as they may not be as innocent as they seem ie Herbal Essences Shampoos(nuff said). For more info and a 10% off Lush cosmetic voucher apply for an info @ www.hurtfulessences.org


Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Be The Change You Want To See In The World...

Be the Change you want to see in the world is going to be my living mantra, so watch this space!

Friday, 6 March 2009

Be The Change You Want To See In The World(I'm trying:)

It is wonderful to hear that the humble and simple possessions of one of India's most revered gentlemen has is finally coming home. Having visited Mother India myself I defy anyone not to fall in love with it's people, it's culture, it's scents; it's sheer vibrancy is a heady and intoxicating mix and the drug for life for sure.

Speaking of India you can create a simple Ayurveda's-style shampoo for hair and body using the humble pulse,(Gram flour to you and me:) simply mix some gram flour into a paste, strain into muslin. The strained liquid can be used to clean hair(Scent with essential oils for a lingering scent:).

Eco Tip: If you have an excess of over ripe bananas don't fret! simple peel, break into chunks and freeze. You can use them up later for a healthy child's dessert(pop into a food processor with tahini etc.).

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Recipe Time!

Inspired by the BBCtv programme 'Grow your own Drugs'(Great programme, great format:) here are some tried and tested 'au naturale' recipes for all you lovely people out there.

*Gram flour mixed to a paste with Organic Cold-Pressed(not toasted) Sesame makes a effective great body and facial scrub.

*Pure Coconut oil makes a superb moisturiser and intensive pre-conditioning hair treatment(For a lingering scent add a few drops of essential oil).

*Dehydrated skin loves honey(Natural Yogurt and honey makes a great face mask, leave for 10 minutes and rinse)!

* Invest in a body brush(prior to bathing) and you'll be glad you did(a tongue scraper and re bounder AKA a mini trampoline is a wise investment to:). Both stimulate the lymphatic system, thus aids detoxification.


Nature's Bounty / Beauty

I've had the most Divine and sublime natural concoction that can sustain all of life guaranteed(Humans and Primates alike:). It consisted of simple leafy greens( ie spinach / kale / Pak Choi etc.), frozen bananas and yummy avocado. Just think If all children had access to nature's bounty we all would be all living in paradise for sure(Now that would make me smile:). We would be more creative and resourceful(Not wasteful) too.

*Frozen Bananaas

I feel blessed:)