Thursday, 22 January 2009

It's all down-hill from here;)

I just discovered a strand of pure white hair yesterday(Wednesday), yikes I'm getting old!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Divine Provendence Continued...

Oops! I forgot to mention, that Deborah's book, ' Wise Baby' was a sole, unloved(It looked like it had been gathering dust in the store's warehouse for years:) copy just waiting for the day to be taken home. I feel blessed to spot this gem of a book all for the princely sum of 98p(Amazon has a copy priced at over twenty pounds, RRP £14.99).

Thank-you God, thank-you Universe!

Divine Provendence

I pondered out last night seeking coconut oil(It's a fab hydrating tool amongst other things:) at a well-known pharmacy chain, but unfortunately for me the chain puts profit before people and the humble oil of the coconut has been discontinued(My chain-store bargain gone:(). I then ventured up the road to the nearest big supermarket and low and behold I spot a book, 'Baby wisdom' with a reduced sticker on the front and back(The fact it was reduced by a single British penny made me smile:). I've only read the first chapter but feel the wise mother and author Deborah is a woman after my own heart, all one can say is interfering mother-in laws etc. Read this(Mum does know best:)!

The world works in mysterious ways doesn't it?!!!

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Good Intentions bear fruit!

Success starts in the head, moves to the heart, and lastly involves the mouth and stomach. My aim is to start where I left off early last year(Feb) where one had an unfortunate health scare which completely knocked me for six quite literately, I was left dumbfounded and unable to anything for the rest of the year:(.

I feel mental, emotional and physical fitness are the prerequisite core foundations of a good, happy and productive life.

I want to be the best example of one can be and therefore my aim is to eliminate using food as a crutch forever(and other averse negative habits) and live an abundant life as nature intended!

Motivations: a long-held desire to be a mother(Born in the year of the maternal Boar and Sun-sign maternal Cancer: early Cancerian).

Time for action me thinks:)